Hook: preparingOrderDataToStore

Wenn die Daten einer Bestellung zur Speicherung in der Datenbank vorbereitet werden

 * -- Registration: --
 * $GLOBALS['MERCONIS_HOOKS']['preparingOrderDataToStore'][] = array('myMerconisHookClass', 'myPreparingOrderDataToStore');
 * -- Invocation: --
 * When the order data is prepared to be stored in the database
 * -- Parameters: --
 *	1. $arr_order - the order array that can be manipulated with this hook
 * -- Return value: --
 * $arr_order - the possibly manipulated order array
 * -- Objective: --
 * e.g. manipulate the order data before it is stored in the database
public function myPreparingOrderDataToStore($arr_order) {

    * Manipulate $arr_order here...
   return $arr_order;