Hook: calculateScaledPrice

Im Zuge der Ermittlung eines Staffelpreises

 * -- Registration: --
 * $GLOBALS['MERCONIS_HOOKS']['calculateScaledPrice'][] = array('myMerconisHookClass', 'myCalculateScaledPrice');
 * -- Invocation: --
 * When calculating the scaled price for a product.
 * -- Parameters: --
 *	1. $objProductOrVariant - the product or variant object
 * -- Return value: --
 * $calculatedScaledPrice - the calculated scale price
 * -- Objective: --
 * e.g. implement a custom scale price calculation logic

public function myCalculateScaledPrice($objProductOrVariant) {
	$calculatedScaledPrice = 12345;
	 * Custom code to calculate the scaled price.
	 * The following product or variant properties should be considered:
	 * $objProductOrVariant->_scalePrice
	 * $objProductOrVariant->_scalePriceQuantity
	 * $objProductOrVariant->_scalePriceType
	return $calculatedScaledPrice;