Hook: beforeSendingOrderMessage
Bevor das MERCONIS-Nachrichtensystem eine Nachricht versendet
* -- Registration: --
* $GLOBALS['MERCONIS_HOOKS']['beforeSendingOrderMessage'][] = array('myMerconisHookClass', 'myBeforeSendingOrderMessage');
* -- Invocation: --
* Before sending an order message
* -- Parameters: --
* 1. $arrMessageModel - the message model details
* 2. $arrOrder - the order details
* -- Return value: --
* $arrMessageModel - the possibly manipulated message model details or null, if the message should not be sent
* -- Objective: --
* e.g. manipulate the message model details or prevent a message from being sent under certain circumstances
public function myBeforeSendingOrderMessage($arrMessageModel, $arrOrder) {
* In this example we have two message types which would be used as order confirmations.
* One message type should only be used on fridays because it contains a text regarding
* the coming weekend and the other should be used on every other day.
* This hook would be called for both of them and it could decide which one should actually be sent.
$blnIsFriday = date('D') == 'Fri';
* the parent id of the message model is the id of a message type. In this example the
* message type with the id 5 is the one to send on friday and the message type with
* the id 2 is the one to send on every other day.
if ($arrMessageModel['pid'] == 5 && !$blnIsFriday) {
return null;
if ($arrMessageModel['pid'] == 2 && $blnIsFriday) {
return null;
* In the second part of this example, we replace a custom wildcard with a coupon code
* if the order amount is bigger than 500. If we modify multilanguage data, we have to make
* sure to deal with the contents of the $arrMessageModel['multilanguage'] array.
$couponCode = $arrOrder['total'] >= 500 ? 'COUPONCODE500' : '';
$arrMessageModel['multilanguage']['content_html'] = preg_replace('/(##bigBuyerCouponCode##)|(##bigBuyerCouponCode##)/siU', $couponCode, $arrMessageModel['multilanguage']['content_html']);
$arrMessageModel['multilanguage']['content_rawtext'] = preg_replace('/(##bigBuyerCouponCode##)|(##bigBuyerCouponCode##)/siU', $couponCode, $arrMessageModel['multilanguage']['content_rawtext']);
return $arrMessageModel;