Hook: addToCart

Nachdem ein Produkt in den Warenkorb gelegt wurde

 * -- Registration: --
 * $GLOBALS['MERCONIS_HOOKS']['addToCart'][] = array('myMerconisHookClass', 'myAddToCart');
 * -- Invocation: --
 * After a product has been put into the cart
 * -- Parameters: --
 *	1. $objProduct - the product object of the product that has just been put into the cart
 *	2. $desiredQuantity - the quantity that the user wanted to put into the cart
 *	3. $quantityPutInCart - the quantity that has actually been put into the cart, which might differ if stock was insufficient
 * -- Return value: --
 * none
 * -- Objective: --
 * e.g. profiling user behaviour

public function myAddToCart($objProduct, $desiredQuantity, $quantityPutInCart) {

	 * Custom code
