Wenn der Warenkorb-Controller initialisiert wird



* -- Registration: --

* $GLOBALS['MERCONIS_HOOKS']['initializeCartController'][] = array('myMerconisHookClass', 'myInitializeCartController');


* -- Invocation: --

* When the cart controller is initialized


* -- Parameters: --

*           1. $cart - an array holding all cart information

*           2. $itemsExtended - an array holding extended item information

*           3. $calculation - an array holding current calculation details


* -- Return value: --

* none


* -- Objective: --

* e.g. cart manipulation



public function myInitializeCartController($cart, $itemsExtended, $calculation) {


* Example: Adding products to the cart depending on the products that are currently in the cart.

* In this example we assume that we have different brochures that we want to hand out if someone

* orders a related product.


* We use the product's flexContent to store the relation between a product and a brochure

* (flexContent key "associatedBrochures").


* Please note that this example is oversimplified in order to make the basic idea behind this hook

* better understandable. This function is not intended to be used as it is in a real life scenario.

* You will most likely have to complete this function and add some control mechanisms, trim the

* comma separated list etc.




* If we want to do some cart manipulation we need to import the ls_shop_cartController class



$arrBrochures = array();

$arrBrochureIDs = array();


* Walking through the cart item, using the extended array because we want to access

* extended product information for which we need the product object


foreach ($itemsExtended as $item) {


* If the product has a corresponding flexContent, we assume it's a comma separated list holding

* the brochure's product codes.


if ($item['objProduct']->_flexContentExists('associatedBrochures')) {

$arrBrochures = array_merge($arrBrochures, explode(',', $item['objProduct']->_flexContents['associatedBrochures']));



$arrBrochures = array_unique($arrBrochures);


* Get the product ids of the brochures


foreach ($arrBrochures as $brochureArtNr) {

$objBrochureProduct = $this->Database->prepare("

SELECT                    `id`

FROM                    `tl_ls_shop_product`

WHERE                    `lsShopProductCode` = ?

AND                    `published` = ?


->execute($brochureArtNr, '1');

if ($objBrochureProduct->numRows) {


$arrBrochureIDs[] = $objBrochureProduct->id;




* We store the product ids of already added brochures in the session

* because we don't want to add a brochure more than once.


if (!isset($_SESSION['myMerconis']['brochureIDsAddedToCart'])) {

$_SESSION['myMerconis']['brochureIDsAddedToCart'] = array();


foreach ($arrBrochureIDs as $brochureID) {

if (in_array($brochureID, $_SESSION['myMerconis']['brochureIDsAddedToCart'])) {



$this->ls_shop_cartController->addToCart($brochureID, 1);

$_SESSION['myMerconis']['brochureIDsAddedToCart'][] = $brochureID;

